jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Camino de Santiago – Day 5
From Ferreiros to Palas de Rei

This was the longest day in the Camino, in which we walked 34 kms. Nevertheless, it wasn't the hardest. Not even a bit! What "saved" us was the fact that, again, the sun shinned. And that the landscape was beautiful. Also, this day we met really cool and inspiring people, specially Cesar and his mum (whom we met again in our last night and with whom I entered in Santiago). The sad part is that arriving in Palas de Rei I had to go to the hospital to check my feet. Everything alright though!

Also during this 5th day, along the way, Diarmuid (one of the Irish boys) gave me a stick that he found in the nature and it really helped me, but arriving to the shelter Alejandro (one of the experienced pilgrims that we met the day before) told me that the stick wasn’t good enough and that it would eventually hurt my hands. He advised me to get rid of it and promised to get and sculpt a new one for me.

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