1- This post-its were left on the wall of the The Times Square Museum & Visitor Center and some of the messages were real pieces of art (pure literature). Plus, the idea and the effect they all create is also really cool!
2 - This is not actually street art, is a mural inside the lobby of the Rockefeller Building, but I think that it fits pretty well in here...
3 - A graffiti spotted last saturday in Williamsburg (in Brooklyn). A little bit spooky but very interesting as well.
4 - Kids writing on the black wall at the market in Meatpacking.
5 - When walls are not enough we always have vans!!!
6 - Graffitis are not always for fun, they can also work perfectly as ads.
7 - This one, in 21st St. (between 10th & 9th Ave.) is from Os Gemeos.
8 - Four streets up north (between 10th & 11th Ave.) is this mural from Kobra that features different subjects but all with New York City as a scenario.
9 - This was in Houston St. Beautiful and an ode to love, in all its forms!
10 - Color blocks. And the proof that simplicity and perfection go hand by hand!
11 - A perfect way to cover a construction site on The Bowery. They call it the Bowery Arts District for a reason!
12 - While looking for a Banksy graffiti in Allen St. (between Canal & Division, in Chinatown) I found this hopeful message.
13 - And what about this second-hand shop in Spring St.?! Doesn't it look great and modern?!
14 - When I saw this lovely Japanese (or was it Corean?! :S) restaurant in 10th Ave. I not only felt in love by the drawings but also by the open stairwell that, as this book I bought (I Feel Relatively Neutral About New York) says, although "they are an efficient way for businesses to load and unload goods from trucks in the streets", they're also "an efficient way to fall into a huge effing hole right in the middle of the damn sidewalk". But, I don't care... Despite all the rational arguments against them, I love them and they picture beautifully.
15 - Another graffiti from Os Gemeos, this time in Stillwell Ave. in Coney Island.
16 - And to finish New York graffiti tour some details from the Coney Island Aquarium wall. At a certain point of the sidewalk that goes all the way from Coney Island to Brigthon Beach (or should I say Russian Beach?!) is this wall that "tells" us a little bit more about the Coney Island fun parks and the Aquarium, as well as some always-nice-to-know-more information about life under the sea...
¡Super molones! Me encanta tu aparición estelar en la última imagen ;)