All my life
I have spend Summer in the same place. Not all the Summer, but every Summer. At
least for some days. There were years when I barely put my feet there (like
last year!), but this year I’ve been there for almost the entire month of
August. It was the longest I spent there since I moved abroad. But it was
absolutely necessary. I missed my childhood beach, my friends, those party
nights with caipirinhas that cost only 3 €… And most of all, I missed doing
nothing. Just laying there and feel the water drops dry out alone. This
feeling, of your body slowly getting dry and warm, is for me one of the best
feelings in the entire world. And, despite the fact you can get it in any beach
of the world, believe me when I say that in “my beach” it feels different. The
Atlantic see is so cold that this feeling of slowly getting warmer is highly appreciated.
Also it is so salty that, when you completely dry out, you have this round
spots left by the salty sea drops. I love it! And truly miss it all year long! Next Summer I guess I won’t
spend a lot of time in Portugal (I’m planning a big trip to China, so… no time
for “Portugaling”) but, meanwhile, I can always remember my Summer’12 in Santa
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